Maryland and Delaware Climate Change Education Assessment and Research

Donald Boesch
Don Boesch

Principal Investigator and President
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Climate Science Specialties: Earth Systems, Policy

Don Boesch is a Professor of Marine Science and President of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES). He is a biological oceanographer who has conducted research in coastal and continental shelf environments along the Atlantic Coast and in the Gulf of Mexico, eastern Australia and the East China Sea. He has published two books and more than 90 papers on marine and environmental science and policy. Presently his research focuses on the use of science in ecosystem management and in climate change adaptation. Dr Boesch is active in extending knowledge to environmental and resource management at regional, national and international levels. He led the team producing a comprehensive assessment of climate change impacts in Maryland, was a contributing author to Climate Change Impacts in the United States, and a member of the National Academy of Sciences committee that produced the report, America's Climate Choices.