Maryland and Delaware Climate Change Education Assessment and Research

Lillian Lowery
Lillian Lowery

Maryland State Department of Education

Dr. Lillian M. Lowery became Maryland State Superintendent of Schools and Secretary-Treasurer of the State Board on July 1, 2012. She moved to Maryland from Delaware, where she served as Secretary of Education since January 2009. As the State Chief, she facilitated a broad-based statewide strategic planning and grant application process, resulting in Delaware being selected one of the first states to be awarded a coveted federal Race to the Top grant. Dr. Lowery has worked in various education institutions and programs since 1976. Prior to becoming Secretary of Education, she served for three years as the Superintendent of the Christina School District in New Castle County, DE. She has served as an Assistant Superintendent in Fairfax County, VA, and an Area Superintendent in Fort Wayne, IN.