Maryland and Delaware Climate Change Education Assessment and Research

Cindy Hmelo-Silver
Cindy Hmelo-Silver

Professor of Educational Psychology
Rutgers University

Dr. Hmelo-Silver is a Professor of Educational Psychology at Rutgers University. After receiving her Ph.D. in Cognitive Studies as Vanderbilt University, she served as a postdoctoral fellow at Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of Pittsburgh’s Learning Research and Development Center. She is co-editor- in-chief of the Journal of Learning Sciences, and serves on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, and the Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning. She received awards for Best Paper by a New Investigator from the AERA Division I for her dissertation research, an NSF Early CAREER award for her work on complex systems, and a National Academy of Education Postdoctoral fellowship for studying collaborative knowledge building in problem-based learning and how that is facilitated. She served as co-chair for the international Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 2007 conference.